Friday, June 13, 2008

Obsessed with Books...

Our guy is totally nuts about books. He brings me to books to read him over and over again. He plops them in my lap and settles down, thumb in mouth, other finger twirling his hair ready to listen. When he's done with that one he gives me another. Before naptime we can easily go through 10 books, reading some a few times.

I figured he would like books, given the parents he belongs to, but I didn't think he would be so crazy over them. At about 5 months he was turning the pages by himself. And, now he reads books in his crib before he goes to bed. He usually has 3 or 4 books in there and he can stay up anywhere from 30 minutes to an hour before settling in to go to sleep. Sometimes I sneak a peek and he's just quietly flipping through his favorite read of the moment. Oftentimes, I go in once he is asleep to find him bent over from the waist asleep as if he was sitting up reading until the last possible moment he could stay awake, bending over right there when he falls asleep.

I snuck a pic last night while he was sleeping, so you could see him surrounded by his books, one in hand as he fell asleep.

And, here he is with his buddy Maddie Josti, hanging out in the living room.


kristi said...

this is SO much like gillian. wow. that book in the first pic is really cool looking--what is it called?

Kellie said...

How great! I can only get Preston to read with me if he is tired. Otherwise he turns all the pages without stopping in between or he'll bring me books & pile them on my lap but doesn't want to look at them. Maybe Eric should tutor him.

sewtakeahike said...

so sweet!!! hopefully he still likes books once he starts school!

the ruffhouse said...

Oh my goodness, how cute is he?? Next thing you know he'll be making cookies and curtains - while watching the Red Sox of course.