Sunday, January 20, 2008

A Toothy Smile

Our baby is growing up. Before long he is going to be off to kindergarten! If you look closely at this picture you will see the top of one tiny tooth in the bottom of Eric's little mouth. So cute and so grown up.
And, he's a really busy little guy these days. His favorite thing to do is crumple up paper. Any paper in sight is the target of his obsession. The other day he spent almost an hour destroying this magazine. Don't you love cheap toys!

He is also getting over a cold. It started as a little runny nose and ended up turning into a case of the Croup. We went the ER and then to our pediatrician and after a healthly dose of steriods, which to Eric's relief will not keep Little E from the Major Leagues one day, he is good as new. Still coughing and the humidifier has been on in his room for two weeks, but I think he is on the mend.

It's super cold again, so I don't think we will have any outings this week. But, Eric is off tomorrow for MLK day, so at least I will have company around the house.

Hope you have a good week!


kristi said...

yea! a tooth! i told you rhys got his first one two days ago (they must be on the same baby wavelength)...but i have a sneaking suspicion the 2nd one is right behind it. let's hope it breaks through as uneventfully as the first! what great pics of little E. he is just adorable.

Amy said...

great photos of eric. magazines are a great toy!

Melissa said...

what a beautiful baby boy.

i love you. how blessed are we?

guess who i ran into today? angie weston now hoff. she moved to town a few months ago and just joined the church i've been attending.