Friday, June 13, 2008

Obsessed with Books...

Our guy is totally nuts about books. He brings me to books to read him over and over again. He plops them in my lap and settles down, thumb in mouth, other finger twirling his hair ready to listen. When he's done with that one he gives me another. Before naptime we can easily go through 10 books, reading some a few times.

I figured he would like books, given the parents he belongs to, but I didn't think he would be so crazy over them. At about 5 months he was turning the pages by himself. And, now he reads books in his crib before he goes to bed. He usually has 3 or 4 books in there and he can stay up anywhere from 30 minutes to an hour before settling in to go to sleep. Sometimes I sneak a peek and he's just quietly flipping through his favorite read of the moment. Oftentimes, I go in once he is asleep to find him bent over from the waist asleep as if he was sitting up reading until the last possible moment he could stay awake, bending over right there when he falls asleep.

I snuck a pic last night while he was sleeping, so you could see him surrounded by his books, one in hand as he fell asleep.

And, here he is with his buddy Maddie Josti, hanging out in the living room.

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Feliz Cumpleanos Ericito!!

Well, our boy turned one this past Sunday. It's hard to believe it was a year ago we were welcoming our tiny boy into the world. And, it's crazy to think a whole year has flown by so quickly. At what pace will the coming years whiz by, I wonder?

He had a grand time dressed in his sailor suit and hat (carrying on a tradition started by his father for one year birthdays). The weather was perfectly sunny and breezy. We had a cookout with family and friends in our backyard. My mom was in town for the big day from Tennessee.

I wondered what his reaction would be to his cake. Well, to be honest I think I wondered more what kind of reaction his cake would have on him afterward. He very carefully ran his fingers across the frosting tasting his first sugar goodness. After a few tastes he decided it would be easier just to put his face in it taking out the extra step of using his hands. So fun to watch!

He was shown love by all who came to celebrate with him. It was a great day all around.

Happy 1st year, little's to a fabulous 2nd!!